Wanderlust Vision / Woolrich


As a tribute to the enduring partnership between Woolrich and Wanderlust Vision, the limited-edition book Orama has been unveiled on April 18th. The pages of Orama encapsulate three remarkable chapters of the Wanderlust Vision Experience. For the release, we held an event celebrating the creativity and shared passion for the outdoors that defines the collaboration between these two brands.

Dive into the captivating world of Orama, where each page tells a story of adventure and exploration. This unique book not only chronicles the three immersive experiences organized by Wanderlust Vision and Woolrich, but also serves as a visual and narrative masterpiece, showcasing the beauty and essence of each moment captured. The exhibit designed for the evening offered attendees the opportunity to relive past events, immersing themselves in the successful relationship between Woolrich and Wanderlust Vision.

Live music is central to each Wanderlust Vision event, and this one was no exception. The immersive soundscape by Klaus enhanced the atmosphere of celebration. Through music and artistry, Woolrich and Wanderlust Vision once again came together to create an unforgettable moment that transcends boundaries and ignites the imagination.

More about the project

Wanderlust Vision

Wanderlust Vision, a 360-degree brand created to entertain both online and offline, was born in 2020 during the pandemic as a response to geographic and social limitations. Wanderlust Vision is a record label, event platform, and creative agency focused on brand and product development.

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