4.1 Principles and Rules of Conduct for the Members of Corporate Bodies
4.2 Principles and Rules of Conduct for the Personnel and the Persons Who Perform Activities in the Interest of the Woolrich Group
4.3 Conflict of Interest
4.4 Rejection of any Form of Corruption, either Active or Passive
4.5 Relations with Suppliers, Contractors, Third Parties with which the Companies enter into Agreements
4.6 Relations with customers
4.7 Confidentiality
4.8 Diligent Use of the Company’s Assets
4.9 Financial Statements and other Corporate Documents
4.10 Health and Safety at Work
4.11 Anti-Money Laundering
4.12 Use of Information Systems
4.13 Respect for the Environment
4.14 Accounting Controls and Transparency
4.15 Protection of the Corporate Capital and of Creditors
4.16 Principles and Rules of Conduct for Third Party Recipients
5.1 Communication and Dissemination of the Code of Ethics
5.2 Reporting of the Violations of the Code of Ethics
5.3 Violation of the Code of Ethics and Sanctions
5.4 Monitoring and Updating of the Code of Ethics
1.1 This code of ethics (the “Code of Ethics”) is one of the key corporate governance documents of the companies (the “Companies” and each of them individually the “Company”) belonging to the Woolrich group (the “Woolrich Group”), as it contains the ethical principles deriving from a heritage of common personal and corporate values, which the Woolrich Group follows in performing its business activities. In fact, the Code of Ethics is intended to be a guide and a support for every director, manager and other employee of the Woolrich Group in order to enable him/her to pursue the Group’s mission in the most effective manner possible.
1.2 The Woolrich Group is an international group operating in the sector of industrial manufacturing of apparel, footwear and accessories in general and of their wholesale and retail sale. The mission of the Woolrich Group is focused on growth and creation of value through manufacturing and marketing of high quality products in due compliance with the applicable regulations. The Woolrich Group runs its business in a socially responsible, impartial and ethical manner, adopts fair and correct practices in the management of the employment relationships, guarantees the employees’ safety, promotes and encourages the environmental awareness and complies with the applicable laws.
1.3 All business relationships shall be maintained with integrity and loyalty and without any conflict of interest between business and personal affairs. To achieve this, the Woolrich Group requires that all the persons working in it, such as, for example, its directors, managers and other employees, comply with the highest standards of business conduct in the performance of their duties and act in a loyal, responsible, honest, competent and transparent manner, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, protecting the reputation of the Woolrich Group.
1.4 For this purpose, the Woolrich Group decided to adopt this Code of Ethics, which is intended ‒ in line with the principles of loyalty and honesty ‒ to regulate, through the rules of conduct, the company’s activities and to establish the general principles which the entire corporate structure must comply with.
1.5 Consequently, the Woolrich Group undertakes:
1.6. The Woolrich Group welcomes constructive comments and suggestions from directors, officers, other employees and third parties with respect to the Code of Ethics’ content, implementation, and other related matters.
1.7 The Woolrich Group uses its best endeavours to ensure that these commitments are shared by consultants, suppliers and any other party having at any time a business relationship with the Woolrich Group. The Woolrich Group does not engage in or continue any business relationship with third parties who refuse to comply with the principles set in the Code of Ethics.
1.8 The Code of Ethics is composed of four sections:
(i) first section, stating the Recipients of the Code of Ethics;
(ii) second section, stating the general ethical principles which set the reference values for the activities of the Woolrich Group Companies;
(iii) third section, stating the rules of conduct imposed on the Recipients;
(iv) fourth section, regulating the dissemination, creation and implementation of the Code of Ethics and the relevant monitoring and controls.
2.1 The Code of Ethics is a reference document for all the Companies of the Woolrich Group.
2.2 In particular, the Code of Ethics must be complied with by:
(i) each employee (either fixed-term or not), manager and collaborator (under any contract comparable to an employment contract) of the Companies (the “Personnel”);
(ii) members of the corporate bodies of each Company;
(iii) consultants (under any type of contract or assignment), brokers, agents and third party suppliers of products or services to the Companies; (collectively, the “Recipients”).
2.3 All the Recipients are required to comply ‒ and, within their areas of competence, to ensure the compliance ‒ with the principles contained in the Code of Ethics. Under no circumstance an assertion of having acted in the interest of the Companies shall justify a behaviour contrary to the rules of conduct established in this document.
2.4 The Code of Ethics is valid in all the jurisdictions in which the Companies of the Woolrich Group operate.
2.5 In particular, the compliance with the rules contained in the Code of Ethics must be considered as an essential part of the contractual obligations of the Company’s employees under the applicable law. Any breach of the Code of Ethics compromises the relationship of trust established with the Company and may lead to disciplinary actions and claims for damages under the applicable law, without prejudice ‒ with respect to employees ‒ to the compliance with the Workers’ Statute (if any), with the collective bargaining agreements and with the internal regulations adopted by the Woolrich Group Companies (if applicable).
Inherent in this Code of Ethics is an ideal of cooperation aimed at the mutual benefit of the parties involved, in accordance with their respective roles. The Woolrich Group requests that each stakeholder deal with the Group in accordance with principles and rules based on a similar idea of ethical conduct.
Responsibility and Compliance with Laws
The Woolrich Group fully complies with laws, regulations and rules in general in force in all countries in which it conducts its business or maintains relationships. It is not permitted, under any circumstances, to pursue or achieve the Companies’ interest in breach of the laws or abuse their position.
The Woolrich Group promotes the observance of the principle of correctness both in the internal relationships and in the relationships between the Companies and third parties. Each operation and/or transaction must be lawful, duly authorized, consistent, congruent, documented, registered, and verifiable and traceable at all times, also in order to counter money-laundering, self-laundering and receiving stolen property practices.
Conflict of interest
The Recipients must act in a correct manner in order to avoid situations of conflict of interest, or situations in which the pursuit of his/her interest is in conflict with the Company’s interest. Moreover, situations must be avoided by which an employee, a director or other Recipient may gain undue benefit and/or profit from opportunities that they may learn of during or as a result of the performance of their functions.
Impartiality and Protection of Human Rights
The Woolrich Group promotes the protection of the inviolable human rights and rejects any form of discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs, ethnicity, personal and political views, age, health and economic conditions. The Woolrich Group rejects forced and child labour, and any form of harassment, such as physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse, threats or intimidation at workplace, thus ensuring respectful working conditions, also in terms of working hours and remuneration.
The Recipients must be aware of the ethical significance of their actions and must not pursue personal or Companies’ gain in breach of the applicable laws and of this Code of Ethics.
The Woolrich Group does not approve nor excuse any violent action or threat aimed at achieving any conduct contrary to the applicable regulations, including this Code of Ethics and deontological rules.
The principle of transparency is based on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of information both inside and outside the Companies. In accordance with the principle of transparency, each operation and/or transaction must be duly registered, be traceable, authorized, verifiable, lawful, consistent and congruent.
In every working activity cost-efficiency of the management and of the use of Company’s resources must be pursued, in compliance with the highest quality standards. Each Company is also committed to safeguard and protect its resources and assets, and to manage its assets and funds with all necessary precautions so that full compliance with the applicable laws and regulations is ensured.
Protection of Privacy
The Woolrich Group undertakes to protect the Recipients’ privacy in compliance with the applicable regulations, with a view to avoid disclosure and dissemination of personal data without the concerned person’s consent. Acquisition, processing and retention of information and personal data, pertaining to the Personnel and to other persons, in possession of each Company is carried out in compliance with specific procedures aimed at avoiding that unauthorized persons and/or entities may access such information or personal data.
Value of Human Resources
Human resources are recognized as fundamental and inalienable factor of the Companies’ development. The Woolrich Group safeguards the professional growth and development in order to expand the expertise possessed, in compliance with the applicable regulations concerning the personality rights, in particular with respect to the psychological and physical health of the Personnel.
The Woolrich Group stands for creating and maintaining a work environments that, being based on respect, correctness and collaboration, allows the involvement and empowerment of employees and collaborators. It is also committed not to support any form of favouritism and nepotism, and not to establish any work relationship with persons involved in terrorism.
The Personnel is hired solely on the basis of valid employment agreements under the applicable law, and no form of undeclared work is tolerated. A new employee must be informed of all the characteristics of the employment relationship.
Recognition of salary increases or of other incentives and access to roles and tasks involving bigger responsibilities are based on ‒ besides law provisions and collective bargaining agreement (if applicable) ‒ the employee’s individual performance and ability to show organizational skills through behaviour compliant with reference ethical principles of the Company set forth in this Code of Ethics.
Fair Competition
The Woolrich Group promotes free and fair competition, based on the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency towards the competitors. In particular, the Woolrich Group Companies are required to establish their commercial policies in an independent manner and not to fix any prices in agreement or in collusion with their competitors, and to establish fair relationships with their customers and suppliers in accordance with antitrust regulations.
Protection of Personality
The Woolrich Group recognises the need to protect the freedom of the individual in every form and rejects any manifestation of violence, especially if its aim is to limit the individual’s personal freedom, as well as any form of child prostitution and/or pornography.
The Companies are committed to promote the sharing of the above principles within their business and among the Recipients.
Protection of Health and Safety at Work
The Woolrich Group uses its best endeavours to ensure health and safety at the workplace, acting in full compliance with the applicable health and safety regulations. In this respect, the Companies are required to adopt the most appropriate measures in order to avoid risks related to the business activity and, where it is impossible to avoid them, to make an appropriate assessment of the existing risks.
Equal Opportunities and Meritocracy
The Woolrich Group upholds the principle of equal opportunities in every aspect of the employment relationship (employment, training, allocation of benefits, promotion, disciplinary proceedings, termination, retirement), without any discrimination based on ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, age, political views, marital status, mental or physical disability or any other personal condition or characteristics.
With the aim of valorising the individuals, the Woolrich Group applies a performance assessment system which measures the skills used to achieve the objectives assigned, on a meritocratic basis.
Relations with the Community and Environmental Protection
The Woolrich Group recognizes that environmental protection is of fundamental importance in ensuring a coherent and balanced development process.
Consequently, the Companies are committed to safeguard the environment and to contribute to the sustainable development of the territory, also by using best available technologies and constantly monitoring the business processes.
Relations with Local Authorities and Public Institutions
The Woolrich Group seeks to achieve the highest level of integrity and correctness in its relations (including contractual relationships) with public institutions and with the Public Administration in general, including applications for and/or management of public funds, in order to ensure the utmost transparency of the relations with institutions, consistently with an economic operator’s need to maintain its organizational and management independence.
Relations with the institutions are maintained only through authorized persons. Moreover, if the Companies use consultants or a “third parties” as their representatives in the relations with the Public Administration, such consultants or third parties shall be bound by the principles set forth in the Code of Ethics and by the Woolrich Group’s Anticorruption Procedure. Any of the Companies shall not be represented in its relations with the Public Administration by any consultant or “third party” if there is an even potential conflict of interest.
Relations with Associations, Trade Unions and Political Parties
The Woolrich Group does not make direct or indirect contributions to fund political parties, movements, committees and political and trade union organizations, or their representatives or candidates. Moreover, the Companies do not fund associations nor sponsor demonstrations or conventions having political propaganda purposes.
Contributions and Sponsorship
The Companies may accept requests for contributions only from entities and associations regulated by by-laws expressly stating that such entities or associations are non-profit and whose purposes are of high cultural or charitable value.
Sponsorships, which may concern social, environmental, sports, entertainment and art matters, are provided only to events or bodies that offer guarantees of quality and with respect to which any possibility of conflict can be excluded.
Rejection of Any Form of Terrorism
The Woolrich Group rejects any form of terrorism and intends to adopt, within its business, the appropriate measures to prevent the risk of being involved in terrorism, by undertaking not to establish any work or commercial relationship with individuals or entities involved in terrorism and not to fund or otherwise support any activity of such individuals or entities.
Rejection of Criminal Organizations
The Woolrich Group rejects any form of criminal organization (in particular, mafia-type organizations), either national or international. The Companies are required to adopt the appropriate measures to prevent the risk that the Companies or their employees be involved in any type or form of relation or activity, even of mere assistance or help, with such organizations.
To achieve this, the Companies do not establish any collaboration, nor work or commercial relationship with individuals or entities directly or indirectly involved in criminal organizations or, in any case, related, by family relation and/or kinship, to members of known criminal organizations, and do not fund or otherwise support any activity that can be referred to such organizations.
Protection of Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights
The Woolrich Group complies with regulations concerning the protection of trademarks, patents, other signs and copyright and, therefore, does not allow the use, in any form and for any purpose, of products bearing counterfeit trademarks or signs, nor the manufacturing or marketing or any other activity with respect to products already patented by third parties and over which the Group does not have any right. The intellectual property rights, patents, registered trademarks, logos, copyrighted material, inventions, commercial secrets and other internal confidential information ‒ including industrial plans and strategic projects, marketing, pricing and sales data, commercial and organizational details ‒ are an extremely valuable asset on which the competitive force of the Woolrich Group is based.
Moreover, the Woolrich Group supports and promotes technology innovation and evolution in relation to products and processes created by its employees and by third parties working for the Woolrich Group.
Cooperation with the Authorities in case of an Investigation
The Woolrich Group acknowledges the value of the judicial and administrative functions and seeks the highest level of integrity and correctness in its relations with the competent Authorities. To this end, the Group prohibits any behaviour that have a purpose of, or may result in, interfering with investigations or inspections carried out by the competent Authorities and, in particular, any conduct aimed at obstructing the search for truth, including inducing persons summoned by the judicial Authorities not to make statements or to make false ones.
The Companies are committed to adopt all measures necessary to provide the cooperation requested by the Authorities, within the limits of and in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Correct Use of Information Systems
The Woolrich Group pursues the objective of the correct use of i