Woolrich Outdoor Foundation x Istituto Oikos

The Woolrich Outdoor Foundation is proud to highlight its partnership with Istituto Oikos. Istituto Oikos is an NGO that aims to safeguard biodiversity and promote the adoption of sustainable living. Together with the Woolrich Outdoor Foundation, they work to protect and enhance biodiversity, engage the community and raise awareness by organizing special events and activities.



Pollinators are valuable allies in protecting the environment, which is why we decided to support The Bees' Garden, a project of the Istituto Oikos Institute aimed at preserving pollinating insects, which are vital to our ecosystem.

In Villa Braghenti Park, in Malnate, a corner has been created with more than 150 melliferous and aromatic plants, chosen to ensure long blooming periods in different months of the year. Lavender, heather, mint and marjoram, as well as a flowering meadow with clovers and poppies will breathe new life into this area of the park, helping the bees do their valuable work.